
Wet dreams

Wet dreams

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Is it normal to have multiple wet dreams in same day?

19/01/2023 7:06 am
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Multiple. I can't say. It could be due to high sex drive.Β 

Unless it causes some visible physical or mental digression it shouldn't be an issue.

But if you are thinking it as abnormal and creating an issue out of it then it might become an issue.

Try an explore the web I am sure you would get a medically accorded opinions and answer to this..

19/01/2023 1:31 pm
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I don't think it's a weird thing. Perhaps unusual, but I doubt it's uncommon or even a bad thing.

I like porn

21/01/2023 8:36 pm
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i also consulted a doctor he said its normal. But it feels really weird. Ever happened with u guys??

23/01/2023 5:27 pm
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Multiple wet dreams in a night? I don't think it's ever happened for me (in fact I have them quite rarely anyway) but what does feel weird is when I cum in the dream, because I'm never sure if I came in real life too.

I like porn

23/01/2023 5:53 pm
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Posted by: @picachu

Is it normal to have multiple wet dreams in same day?

I think you just need to masturbate once or twice 😅

Try alisa amore or candice b

25/01/2023 5:28 pm
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That's true, I think masturbation does help it as your sexual urges are reduced.

I like porn

25/01/2023 5:34 pm
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This is an interesting topic.You'd think as a sex mad,royal masturbator and someone who absolutely throws themselves head first right in to every passion I've ever had that I'd have a massive knowledge of sexual physiology.

My first real passion from an age so early I don't even know what it's genuine origin is has been cars.Well that led to me eventually getting an mechanical engineering degree.

My huge love of heavy rock music led to me becoming somewhat of a guitarist and playing local pubs and gigs with several bands.

A lifelong love of history has led directly to a history degree and a broad understanding of history.

My passion for disproving god and religion led to a deep interest in logic,argumentation and philosophy and a particularly penchant for LSD and hallucinogenics as a younger fool indirectly into a true fascination with the nature consciousness and phenomenonology,quality,states of mind.

So anyone would be forgiven for thinking I've put the same depth of research and interest in everything sexually physiological and biological.

I did when it came to the female anatomy trying to get a full picture of how to really please them but in terms of my own and male anatomy in general I know very little beyond how to play with my parts lol.

Why? You may ask and the answer always was something along the lines of if I suffer any serious internal failures or damage then all the anatomical knowledge won't help me fix it so I would sooner be oblivious to my inner workings and let the experts and professionals do their stuff should it ever be needed.

That rather stupid outlook extended to everything physical and biological regarding my body inc the sexual parts.It does sound pretty immature looking back.

Anyway,that massive preamble is to clearly state I have almost next to no true knowledge about the opinion I'm about to express,it's a mish mash of what I've heard,been told and picked up over the years so keep a healthy dose of salt handy,ok.

As far as my understanding goes wet dreams are the body discharging excess or stale semen that's not be ejaculated by other means.

I have heard it happens daily or in other words if you don't release it through sex,masturbation or sexual arousal leading to a lot of precum being released then the body or balls perhaps expell it during sleep.

I'm no longer in my peak sexual prime of supposedly the late teens to mid 20s but a little bit further down the road now and due to that aswell as regular masturbation and not quite as regular but still a decent amount of sexual activity I rarely suffer wet dreams.

During my teens and 20s though I used to have them a lot.

One thing I wonder though is what exactly you mean by wet dreams. The generally accepted meaning is when waking up in the morning finding your bedclothes or sheets wet or stained with cum that you shot while sleeping hence wet dream.

I ask because I'm not sure what you mean by multiple wet dreams in the same day as that makes it sounds like you're having several periods of sleep per day but that sounds bizarre.

If you mean actual sexually vivid and explicit dreams then I'd say if you're someone,like myself,who regularly has vivid and even lucid dreams then several explicit ones per night would suggest sex is something that's regularly a subject of much thought and mental focus.

People who have regular vivid and intense dreams tend to have an equally vivid imagination and perhaps can even get a little fixed on orΒ  obsessive over certain aspects at particular times in their life.Β 

Are you particularly focused on sex or even certain individuals that are a focus of much sexual frustration just now?Β 

Despite what the 'mainstream' would have you believe many of us get hung up on certain people in our lives,not that unusually ones we've got very little chance of getting with. That's not unusual nor is it any sign of being unbalanced or 'fucked up'. It's a part of being a human male most of us have to go through and figure out,it's definitely not 'weird' or anything at all bad unless you go several stages beyond and don't accept or learn the hard but necessary lessons from it.

A pretty high and powerful sex drive may well cause either a lot of wet bedsheets upon waking OR regular explicit dreams. Again,a high sex drive is actually a good thing neither abnormal or a sign of some inner or mental unbalance,that's for sure.

If you're talking about the damp boxers,pyjamas or stained bedsheets form of wet dream then it probably just means you have a high sex drive. Try emptying as much as possible before sleeping.Sex would be preferable as wanking them.empty will probably just leave you with cum stained sheets all the same.

If it's the sexual charged dreams kind you're suffering from then if you ask me it's a positive thing. I regularly have vivid and explicit sexual dreams and have had for decades,it's all good and yeah it may lead,again,to waking up aching hard or damp but I wouldn't wish them gone even now πŸ™‚

20/05/2024 11:36 pm