
When do you masturb...

When do you masturbate?

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It's a funny old one this masturbation thing. It drives you mad, sad, bad, blind, wretched, is a big enough sin to put your immortal soul down the shitter.....oh yeah and you grow werewolf fur on the palms of your hands.

I mean really for pity sake....if you're male you have a penis and it gets hard, often when you don't really require or want it to and the sight of some nice lady's rear will make it inflate like a hot air balloon. Catch a glimpse of her panties and you'll never be able to hide the damn thing.

Touch it, grip it and hold it tight, what happens ?

It gets even more sensitive and responsive. Get the gig rolling and the whole thing gets better and better. Let's face it guys, stroking your throbbing manhood just feels fucking great, wouldn't you agree ?  If you're stressed, tired, wound up, bored, horny or a 1000 other less than ideal states of being you could find yourself in then a damn good wank not only slakes those sexual urges but relieves tension better than any damn massage ever could.

Yet society, your peers, teachers, parents, the media (I've seen titles of books dedicated to overcoming your unhealthy masturbating issue  !!!! I mean what the fuck !!!) preachers if you're daft enough to allow that sort of fool into your world will all try and make you feel guilt, embarrassed, ashamed for enjoying what's a genuinely free resource, renewable too that belongs to you alone. One that can boost your sense of well being no end plus allow you to truly know comfort with your own body - YOUR body.


You know the whole set up reminds me so much of the crap that gets preached from the bible......god gave man free will but heaven help the sorry bastard that actually uses his free will. Individuality and thinking for yourself are capital crimes and oddly enough it's rapidly looking like that same though process is finding itself into the popular mindset of society.  I mean, identity politics, for example is about siding with your particular mmmm, race, colour, religion, sexuality, class or other extremely wide and non specific demographic. Don't dare be your own person, you're identity has to be as broad as it can be to let you find your people....fuck off  !!!

Any time, anywhere that allows you to get down to it without offending innocent bystanders and for any damn reason you want. It's always a good time to masturbate and despite of the reasons above there's no better reason than it feels good to hold it in your hand and just do what feels natural. No one has the right to criticise you, put you down, ,make you feel ashamed. It's the actions of such people that's truly sick and immoral. 

It's your body, your reproductive organ and your time so enjoy it guilt free. As they say, love yourself, man. Conceptually, psychologically and most of all physically and sexually. 🙂


AYYY f'ing MEN  🙂

20/03/2024 9:39 pm
Status: Contributor
Points: 264
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Posts: 266

I always enjoy masturbating. My dick grows and hardens and I try to keep that stage for a long time. 

Adoring sexy nudes make the pleasure complete.


20/03/2024 11:37 pm
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