
Staff Pick Comments

Staff Pick Comments

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I'm not sure if the feature is still available, but for a while there was a staff pick page where the staff picked some galleries to show on the page. I think it may have been removed (which is disappointing since it was one of my suggestions) but should it be brought back, I think it would be nice if there was only one, which changed daily. On the gallery there'd be extra functions, like a comment section and a star rating system (in fact, that one would be a good idea across the site). You could go back and view the comment sections of past picks as well.

I like porn

14/12/2021 5:59 pm
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I'm not sure if we need a comment section or a rating system. You can already see how popular a model is, on the popular/trending page. I'm afraid adding too much stuff will only make the pages look messy. And I really like how clean and tidy the pages are now.


14/12/2021 7:51 pm
Status: Member
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One of the issues I have with the site right now is the lack of a sense of community in the site. This is the biggest site of its kind in the world, but there's only a handful of active non-staff users on the forums and probably the site in general. I suggested in the past for a proper forum here - parts of my suggestion were implementated, but this still does feel like a support forum. I think that the comment section (which could be a separate page if you want the tidy look) on galleries is something that will be popular on the popular galleries, like ones with Alisa I and Megan Muse. In my opinion the ability to discuss these shoots will help us appreciate them a bit more, because as pretty as they may be, they sometimes feel like 'just' photos on a screen. Ironically the debate we're having now is the sort of community discussion I'd like on here!

I like porn

14/12/2021 9:42 pm
Status: Expert Contributor
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but for a while there was a staff pick page

Today I put the feature in the navigation menu.
Also pls have a look at for the explore features.

15/12/2021 4:49 pm