
Adding filter on mo...

[Solved] Adding filter on model’s page

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When seeing a model’s page, for instance Mila Azul, who have galleries at different channels, would it be possible to filter it out on the top of the models page if the viewer would like to see the following/sort them by:

  • The preferred choice of channel (Metart/Femjoy/Famegirls etc). It will show all galleries from that specific channel.
  • Too see Favorite galleries (liked/favorited galleries, but only if you’re logged in to your account). I get that we have that ability already on our logged in page, but it can be time consuming to find that one specific liked gallery out of all liked galleries. 
  • Only see videos added to the models page, or photos, or both
  • Only see different types of tags that are associated with the model (lesbian, solo, etc)


Would also like to be able to change page number on the top of page, and not need to scroll all the way down to the bottom.

01/11/2021 10:53 pm
Status: Expert Contributor
Points: 3220
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 420

As we are adding more and more galleries we realize that are more in depth sorting function is needed. But to be honest, this will take at least half a year until we can start working on that.

17/11/2021 3:18 pm